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 Rules and Regulations

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Master Magus
Master Magus

Posts : 21
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Join date : 2010-01-06
Age : 29
Location : Bleach Society

Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: Rules and Regulations   Rules and Regulations I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 2:05 pm

This is the world of Roleplaying. Here, you can make your own story and act it out with others. This thread is basically for all the new RPers, so that they can understand how an RP works.


Canon: The story of Canon Roleplaying must have some canon characters.
EXAMPLE: If you make a Bleach-related Canon, there must be a character from the series (Ichigo, Rukia, Aizen, ect.) in that RP.

Original: The story of Original Roleplaying must be thought up by you. It can be from other media such as Bleach, but the characters are different and the storyline/plot is different.


Templates contain your characters personal attributes, such as name, sex, age, ect. These are very important, so make sure to be VERY descriptive when creating a template.

Signup and Out of Character:

THIS is the place you put your storyline and character templates. DO NOT put these in the others sections. Original and Canon RP are the sections to act out your RPs.

This is basically all you need to know... If there's anything else I need to add, I'll come back and edit.
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